November, 2021

Insightful user journeys on Royal HaskoningDHV's pensionfund website

During this project I focused on visualizing the user's paths on a website that's very rich in (boring) information. Understanding that these paths sometimes just have to be taken, I made sure they were easy to follow. This was done by creating a thorough user journey based on an expert review.

About the client

Pensioenfonds Royal HaskoningDHV

What they do
The pension fund of Royal HaskoningDHV manages the pensions of the (ex) employees of Royal HaskoningDHV. They have an informative website that explains cases such as what will happen with your pension when you marry or how to apply for partner pension.

Problem to solve
There was a request for a user journey, but no clear reason on why. I had to find worthy user journeys to unpack and create something valuable from which we can continue to improve the website, in a minimal amount of time.



Immersing in the pension world and determining interesting journeys
Since this project didn't have a clear cause, I sat down with the fund's team to talk about goals of the websites, frequently asked questions on the phone, complaints and types of users. This talk was supported with a presentation. I looked at their analytics to look for unusual or remarkable things, investigated Royal HaskoningDHV (RHDHV) and its employees, filled in all their digital forms and looked at similar pension funds. This research resulted in lots of ideas and interesting journeys to track and improve.

Setting assumptions about the user
Together with RHDHV pension fund we decided upon three user journeys. There was no budget to walk through journey's with real-life users, so we decided to do an expert review. The journeys each had a different type of user and since there was no financial room for persona's either, a compact set of assumptions was made per user type in order to give some context and to see better from their perspective.

Carrying out the user journeys and write down my findings in a lo-fi format
I carried out each journey from the perspective of a certain user and tracked the steps I took, the goal of that step, my clicking behavior, my thoughts, learnings, obstacles, overall experience and chances that would enhance my experience. This was noted in a lo-fi diagram.

Creating a clear overview of the user journeys to present and share with the client
After all information was gathered I turned the lo-fi user journey into a high-fi, interactive and sharable document with corresponding screenshots. This format was great because I was able to add conclusions of other related projects to the document. This document was presented to the client

Implement Improvements based on the user journey
We made some structural content changes and added new components like call to actions to the sidebar to make sure that the obstacles I found can be overcome.

Klantreis Presentation


Keeping a log helped me organize my thoughts and record reasons for certains actions

Sometimes it helps to think on behalve of the client and come prepared with answers. "Why is a User Journey usefull for my organization?"